A weekend of Sunshine and anew camera - FI

A Weekend of Sunshine and a New Camera

Ever have those times when you walk into a shop to get something, and walk out with something completely unexpected? Well this is what I did on Friday. I went out to purchase my mother in-law a Chromebook and left with a new camera. So with a weekend of sunshine and a new camera, my weekend plans went out the window. Replacing room sorting and tips runs with a shopping trip to the Piece Hall. Continue reading “A Weekend of Sunshine and a New Camera”

3 Quick Snack Ideas – When Only Chocolate Will Do #WeightWINSday

Sleep deprivation doesn’t go hand in hand with healthy eating. Your exhausted and want something sweet and comforting. There is times all you want to do is grab something quick and chocolately.  Last weekend I got very little sleep due to a poorly little Ro. I wanted something sweet but didn’t have the energy or much prep time. So for this weeks #WeightWINSday, here is 3 quick snack ideas when only chocolate will do. Continue reading “3 Quick Snack Ideas – When Only Chocolate Will Do #WeightWINSday”

driving a firefly - fi

Driving a Firefly – 6 Years Old and Learning to Drive

On the weekend, we had the opportunity to let J get behind the wheel of a firefly at YoungDriver. When I heard what Young Driver offer, it brought back memories of my childhood. After telling him he would be driving a firefly, he had been counting down the days. He woke up on Sunday morning bouncing around with excitement, I have never seen him so willing to go get dressed and ready to go out.  Once we set off he was constantly chattering and asking the dreaded – are we there yet, all the way down to the Etihad grounds in Manchester.

Continue reading “Driving a Firefly – 6 Years Old and Learning to Drive”

5 Reasons Why That Occasional Treat is OK – #weightWINSday

When on any weight loss journey or healthy eating change, it’s about keeping that change in mindset when life happens. I had a few meals that were not to plan, it was Dave’s birthday so we ended up having Chinese takeaway and birthday cake. So this #weightWINSday is 5 reasons why that occasional treat is OK

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Introducing #WeightWINSday FI

Introducing #WeightWINSday

Celebrating the Wins and sharing the Woes of Weightloss with #WeightWINSday

I am really excited to be working with Kayleigh from Candyfloss and Dreams  on our new regular feature. We’re both losing weight with Slimming World and we wanted to share our ups and downs on a weekly basis with our readers. You can expect help with meal plans, shopping lists, craving tips and most importantly a full Slimmers guide to Christmas. Continue reading “Introducing #WeightWINSday”

Fabric and Sewing: DIY Project for Business Cards

Fabric and Sewing: DIY Project for Business Cards.

With my business cards designed and ordered ready for BlogOn, I was in need of something to put them in. My solution was to try and make a holder myself. Fabric and sewing: DIY project for business cards.

This weekend, I am off to my first ever blogging conference BlogOn. Yay! A month or so ago, I made a to-do list. Between sourcing a suitcase and getting a Christmas jumper I needed to order business cards. Although I still haven’t got that jumper yet. Continue reading “Fabric and Sewing: DIY Project for Business Cards.”