Stepping into the decade that we are just about to leave, I could never have imagined I would be where I am now. In 2009 I was in a very different place and somewhat a different person. Looking back and penning this letter to my 2009 self has made me realise, you really don’t know what the next day is going to bring, so don’t lose all hope.
Continue reading “Dear Me – Letter To My 2009 Self”Category: Family

Vaccinations – Are you really informed?
Today marks a huge leap forward for saving lives against malaria with the release of a vaccine. The Malaria vaccine isn’t something that is a gamechanger for us as our risks are low unless we go traveling. For parents in Africa, it will be a different story. We have established vaccination routines to protect from what once were very common and damaging diseases. The takeup of these vaccinations has fallen in recent years.
The diseases we routinely vaccinate against aren’t seen in the same serious light as generations before because the cases have reduced significantly. This along with the vast amount of information online around vaccinations, parents are choosing not to vaccinate.
Continue reading “Vaccinations – Are you really informed?”
Supporting through Miscarriage – Please don’t tell me that.
In that single moment when you find out you have lost your tiny baby growing inside of you, is devastating. Your world feels like it’s been shattered into a million pieces and you feel along.
When you find the strength to talk about what you are going through, it can be met with some kind-hearted but ill thought out comments of support. Those words can actually achieve the opposite.

Penning Emotions – Disillusioned after Loss
I was sifting through some old files, doing a bit of a digital spring clean and came across a few pieces I had written years ago, before I claimed this little space of the internet. I had posted it to a little personal blogger account I had. Writing has always been the way I could express my emotions and after miscarriage, pregnancies are filled with so much anxiety.
Continue reading “Penning Emotions – Disillusioned after Loss”
Family Days Out – Legoland Discovery Centre Manchester
One of our favourite places to visit is Legoland Discovery Centre. J is completely Lego (and in particular Ninjago) mad. With the school holidays approaching and a variety of ways to get discounted tickets, it’s a fun day out for all the family. – Lets face it you never really grow out of Lego do you !
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Merlin Annual Pass Weighing Up the Pros and Cons
On Saturday, we were deciding where to go to have a family day out. The park was out of question as it the weather was not good. While googling for ideas, one thing that came up was SeaLife and Legoland discovery at the Trafford Centre. When I went to see how much it would cost to visit, I seen the January sale on Merlin Annual Passes. We had been contemplating getting passes ever since we visited Alton Towers a few years ago. So I weighed up the pros and cons again and decided after doing so to get the family the pass. Continue reading “Merlin Annual Pass Weighing Up the Pros and Cons”

Is it Because of Prematurity? A Question I Ask Myself Often
Bringing home J after months in the hospital, I had a vague idea to what the day-to-day life would be like to start with, given a summary of things, signs to look out for and follow appointments scheduled. Attending development reviews and consultant appointments, going through the motions and watching development like a hawk until we finally got the news he was discharged. Though I found out a part of being a premmie mum is, the watching and worrying about development doesn’t end there. Continue reading “Is it Because of Prematurity? A Question I Ask Myself Often”

Did Babywearing Create a Rod for My Own Back
When you have a baby, people you know and complete strangers seem to like to impart their *wisdom* to you. Babywearing Ro was one that seemed to attract these comments for me. So did babywearing create a rod for my own back? Continue reading “Did Babywearing Create a Rod for My Own Back”

Becoming a Mum – Hopes, Dreams and Heartbreak
For as long as I can remember the one thing I always wanted was to be a mum. Although becoming a mum was not as easy ride.
When I was in my first year of high school, I can still remember an English assignment I had to do. The assignment was to write a letter 10 years in the future, telling the 12 year old me what I was doing. I can remember vividly what I wrote down. The letter stated I was in my own place, in a relationship and had 2 children. I was only 14 years out ! Continue reading “Becoming a Mum – Hopes, Dreams and Heartbreak”

A Day Etched in my Mind Forever
16th of June is a day etched in my mind forever. It was the day I would never have to walk out of the doors of SCBU and leave my son behind again. No more phone calls at all hours of the night to check how he was doing, no longer having to holding my breath as I walked through the doors to the nursery room or sitting hearing the monitors beep. The day had come that we could finally be a family together, the day we could bring him home. Continue reading “A Day Etched in my Mind Forever”