I was sifting through some old files, doing a bit of a digital spring clean and came across a few pieces I had written years ago, before I claimed this little space of the internet. I had posted it to a little personal blogger account I had. Writing has always been the way I could express my emotions and after miscarriage, pregnancies are filled with so much anxiety.
Continue reading “Penning Emotions – Disillusioned after Loss”Category: Growing Moonbows
Miscarriage after miscarriage, my dreams of being a mum were fading, until I started growing moonbows.
Becoming a Mum – Hopes, Dreams and Heartbreak
For as long as I can remember the one thing I always wanted was to be a mum. Although becoming a mum was not as easy ride.
When I was in my first year of high school, I can still remember an English assignment I had to do. The assignment was to write a letter 10 years in the future, telling the 12 year old me what I was doing. I can remember vividly what I wrote down. The letter stated I was in my own place, in a relationship and had 2 children. I was only 14 years out ! Continue reading “Becoming a Mum – Hopes, Dreams and Heartbreak”
Growing Moonbows – J – Welcome to the World J
Growing moonbows are never easy, it takes a dash of hope, a sprinkle of magic and a bucket full of madness. This is the story of J, a series of letters written while on the rollercoaster of pregnancy. – I made a Moonbow! I’m finally a Mummy
Continue reading “Growing Moonbows – J – Welcome to the World J”
Growing Moonbows – J – Part 4
Growing moonbows are never easy, it takes a dash of hope, a sprinkle of magic and a bucket full of madness. This is the story of J, a series of letters written while on the rollercoaster of pregnancy.
Everything Changed! Continue reading “Growing Moonbows – J – Part 4”
Growing Moonbows – J – Part 3
Growing moonbows are never easy, it takes a dash of hope, a sprinkle of magic and a bucket full of madness. This is the story of J, a series of letters written while on the rollercoaster of pregnancy.
Growing Moonbows – J – Part 2
Growing moonbows are never easy, it takes a dash of hope, a sprinkle of magic and a bucket full of madness. This is the story of J, a series of letters written while on the rollercoaster of pregnancy.
Are you ok or is this the end of our journey?
Dear Baby
So tomorrow is the day we find if you are growing or not, and I fear it will be not be good news. I am hoping for some kind of miracle though, and as a lovely midwife once told me, never give up hope until it’s over. Continue reading “Growing Moonbows – J – Part 2”
Growing Moonbows – J – Part 1
Growing moonbows are never easy, it takes a dash of hope, a sprinkle of magic and a bucket full of madness. This is the story of J, a series of letters written while on the rollercoaster of pregnancy
You are there!
Dear Baby,
I’ve just read the words ‘Pregnant’ on the display of a pregnancy test and I’m in a little bit of shock! Continue reading “Growing Moonbows – J – Part 1”