Fabric and Sewing: DIY Project for Business Cards.

With my business cards designed and ordered ready for BlogOn, I was in need of something to put them in. My solution was to try and make a holder myself. Fabric and sewing: DIY project for business cards.
This weekend, I am off to my first ever blogging conference BlogOn. Yay! A month or so ago, I made a to-do list. Between sourcing a suitcase and getting a Christmas jumper I needed to order business cards. Although I still haven’t got that jumper yet.
A couple of weeks ago, I sat down to design and order my cards, so I could tick that one off. Then I thought, what do I put them in to keep them safe from the contents of my handbag? I needed a card holder. So off I went to look online.
Looking at what was available gave me an idea. How hard would it be to make one? Having loads of fabric, it was worth a try. It has taken me a week and a half since that thought to put the idea to the test. Work, family and general life at the moment never lends itself to instant action.
This weekend I spent some time at my sewing desk and I have to say, I’m pleased with the results.
I started with creating a mock up of what I wanted. Using the amount of cards I wanted it to hold, and multiple sewing attempts to get an idea of size, I got a good grasp of the dimensions it needed to be. Once the mock up was completed, I created a template based on the functionality I had seen when shopping around. So with two different patterned fabrics, some interfacing and my sewing machine, I set to work. It didn’t take long to make a test one.

With the test one under my belt, I tweaked the template and selected which fabrics I wanted from my stash. Taking about 20 minutes of prep and 10 minutes of sewing, I had a card holder filled with cards ready for my handbag.
Sometimes it’s worth giving it a go to try and make it yourself. What have you got to lose? I’m happy with how it turned out, and considering whether I can scale it up to hold wipes and a nappy.