Family Days Out – Legoland Discovery Centre Manchester

One of our favourite places to visit is Legoland Discovery Centre. J is completely Lego (and in particular Ninjago) mad. With the school holidays approaching and a variety of ways to get discounted tickets, it’s a fun day out for all the family. – Lets face it you never really grow out of Lego do you !
Family Days Out – Legoland Discovery Centre Manchester
On the weekend we decided to visit Legoland Discovery Centre with J’s best friend to treat him to a birthday outing . It was a last-minute idea when trying to decide what to do. Thanks to our Merlin passes and a voucher in J’s Ninjago magazine (free entry for a child with a full paying adult) allowed us to all go for £19.50. This was the cost of 1 adult full price ticket.
Our last-minute idea, happened to coincide with the launch of the Space Mission and new Ninjago 4D movie at LDC. So I had two excited boys in the back of the car driving down – as well as two excited mums.
The Factory Tour.
After getting our wristbands and the Legoland photo opportunity, the first stop was the factory tour. The tour is interactive and even with J experiencing it a few times before he was still excited and got involved. Stamping, gesturing and shouting to make the factory machines to work.
Kingdom Quest
Then there is the kingdom quest ride, using the laser guns to rescue the princess and compete with each other who can get the highest score. The boys rated this an awesome.
Many buildings and attractions all in Lego. It featured many buildings and also a number of the Merlin attractions. With information boards of the areas, interactivity and even some games you can play. Challenge each other to a game of football or horseracing.
Once you make your way through the miniland area you come to a big area with a number of attractions.
Building areas
Build a vehicle and test it down the ramps or race it, J really enjoyed building and testing the car down the biggest ramp and racing his car and then modifying it.
You can build a tower out of Duplo and see how high you can get it and it survive an earthquake
There is a Creative Builders sessions that are held during the day – we haven’t done this one yet but is on J’s to-do list.
In the farm area there is Duplo for younger kids to build, which we will be doing next time we take Ro.
J is ninjago mad at the moment and this area is definitely a favourite of his. You can test your reflexes in the training area, rock climb and play in each of the ninja’s areas in the soft play area.
The Rides
The boys rated driving around the Lego police cars in the Lego City Rangers forest pursuit course as amazing. They were able to drive around a little track although J didn’t quite have the co-ordination and kept getting stuck on the curb.
The Merlin’s Apprentice ride gets your feet going as the more you pedal the higher you go. I did test this out and could feel the drop as I stopped pedalling.
4D Cinema.
When we first went to this, J did ask what 4D was as we were waiting to go in. The cinema is nicely sized and has limited seats. The 4D aspect was noticeable as soon as the movie started, feeling the wind, rain and even flashes of light added that extra touch to the experience. J doesn’t like loud noises and the volume was at a comfortable level.
In the area there is also a Cafe and tables and chair, so you can either buy lunch or bring one with you.
Space Mission.
The boys thought this was fantastic, playing with this mission control and seeing themselves on the screens kept the boys entertained. You can count down and watch the Rocket take off, build your own rocket and take a photo of you as an astronaut.
The Bat Cave
Help build the picture of batman, or challenge yourself to get through the passage without breaking the laser beams. The boys had a few tries at this although did set them off a couple of times.
Some schools have been giving out 50% family discount vouchers and some of the Lego magazines have a kids go free voucher. You can get a 2 for 1 tickets to visit Legoland discovery and Sealife. If you book online 24 hours in advance the tickets are discounted.
We will be returning in a couple of weeks as this is where J wants to go on his birthday. Just need to get those tickets booked! I will share photos when we return on instagram.