The Words left behind

This post is a complete flip to what I had pre-written in my head, but words matter, written, spoken and even thought. As I write this post, I have come to realise that blogs can have a lasting effect, even after we are gone. This world has just lost a wonderful talented young man, and the skies have gained another rainbow filled star.
A friend and someone I look up to as a mothering role model, is having to live through every parents worst nightmare, planning the funeral of her beloved son. Her autistic trans son who battled with mental illness, who might have not felt he fitted in this world, but who actually gifted the world with his words.
He wrote about his struggles, his thoughts and general life as a teen for him. When my friend first shared his blog in a facebook post, I started following it. The way he described his mind, the pain and struggles and general teen life was so insightful. An insight into autism from his perspective, what it was like growing up trans and battling with mental illness.
So I want to share his words, in the hope they reach and subsequently resonate with as many people as possible. I want them to know that just because you see the world differently and you have to battle those demons, you have so much to offer the world, and the world just needs to listen to what you have to say.
Services for children’s mental health really need to improve, and society needs to stop and listen every once in a while.
It really is Time to Talk, and listen!
Fly high in the skies Sam and thankyou for your words