Winning Lotto Numbers Anyone ?

When I started on my maternity leave with R, I had no idea that it would be a Déjà vu of what happened when I was last on maternity leave.
Back in June, I got a phone call from my manager advising me that work is doing a restructure again, and my role is affected. I had to fill out the forms and submit them within 2 weeks . Great, having to fill out forms, no access to my work information and a very bad reflux suffering new baby!
I got the forms submitted in time, but they were in no way my best work. This was mainly because I was hardly sleeping due to R’s constant feeding and discomfort, and wasn’t able to get that mental time to put my head in the right space to get the forms right. Once I submitted them I had to put this to the back of my mind and get on with the whole mothering thing. I was told I wouldn’t know the outcome until some date in September.
I had always planned on returning before my maternity pay hit the SMP as we are almost a single income family – my husband works under 2 hours a day at the school. So at the end of September my maternity leave ends, though it is followed by 5 weeks of annual leave.
I have found out that I wont find out until late September so now I don’t know if I have a job into the new year or not (notice period) and from everything I have been researching, I may not have much redundancy protection due to the timing. This isn’t a ploy from the company or anything there is quite significant role reduction happening. So now we are finished school holidays, and we have entered September my thoughts have returned to what is going to happen soon. so back to trying to wade through the ambiguous information around rights and protection in my scenario.
I have done so many sums in my head, with an approximate redundancy payment amount that I think my over tired brain is going to explode, but feel I need to be prepared for all outcomes. This doesn’t come without a ton of stress, so have fingers crossed my numbers come up on the Lotto