CraftyParents Series – Emma Reed

CraftyParents Series Emma Reed

For this edition of the CraftyParents feature, I had the privilege of interviewing Emma Reed,  Author of Your Teething Baby: from one parent to another and blogger at

What influenced you to start making things?

I started to buy arts and crafts bits and bobs when Jake was quite young actually. I loved the idea of painting and making prints with his hands when he was just a few months old. As he has grown we have added to our collection depending on what phase he is going through at the time. We love popping to Hobbycraft to buy their paper mache animals or wooden crafting sets.

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Did you make things before you had children?

No, I have never been an arty type person. I am musical as this comes naturally to me, drawing doesn’t at all. I have been quite surprised by how much I now enjoy sitting down and helping him to make things.


What have you made and how do you feel about it ?

Our most recent makes have been our toy robots. We have been reading the ‘Harry and the Dinosaurs’ books and one is about robots. In the book, Harry makes a robot to ‘Blaaaaast’ his Nan’s cough to make her better. Jake had a cough when we read it the first time and he immediately picked up on the fact that a robot could also help his cough.


 I made it quite simply with a toilet roll for the body, some material for the head, pipe cleaners for the arms, plastic feet made from a vegetable tub, legs made from lollipop sticks and of course. This was a quick make and I was limited by what we had around the house. I made it quite simply with a toilet roll for the body, some material for the head, pipe cleaners for the arms, plastic feet made from a vegetable tub, legs made from lollipop sticks and of course googly eyes. Jake chose his multicoloured dreads!CraftyParents Series - Emma Reed3

Last week he decided we needed to make a second one and I made sure we had some slightly better materials this time around. This robot is made from a pie box for his body, a paracetamol box for his head, lollipop stick legs, egg carton feet, pipe cleaner arms and antenna and, of course, every robot needs buttons!


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Do you feel you are creative?

I think I can now safely say that I am much more creative than I have ever been.

Will you make more things in the future?

We will definitely be continuing to create new things in the future. As long as Jake enjoys doing it, I will be happy to help him.


Sometimes we can make something to comfort our children, enhance a story, or just do some creative play with them. It doesn’t matter how creative you are, it’s the fun you and your kids have, the comfort you bring and the spark of imagination you can see in their eyes.




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