CraftyParents Series – My Story

I love making things, I always have. After I came to the UK, I didn’t make as much, not because I didn’t want to hand make things, but my life just changed. I still created in my mind things I wanted to make, but just didn’t get around to it. Maybe I just lost my motivation. After having my two that motivation came back.
I grew up with people around me that made things. I have memories of sitting with my Nan while she sewed, painted and made things, my Mum sewed and is crafty, my Pop loved making things, turning bits of junk into useful things ( he loved visiting junk yards)
I can remember vividly visiting my Auntie’s house and sitting in her sewing room with my cousin, using old tights to make pickled people.

After having J, I wanted to make things for him, but time just got away from me. I kept some of J’s premature baby clothes, wanting to make something out of it to keep for memories although they are still sitting there waiting cause I’m worried if I make a mistake I can’t get them back . When I started maternity leave with Ro, I made myself a promise that I would start making the kids things, show them me making bits and pieces and letting them join in. An extra plus that I can re-purpose things and save money!
I decided just before my induction with Ro, I wanted to learn crocheting and a friend in the birthgroup, who also has a Facebook page Sarah’s Star Stitches, kindly showed me some basics and shared some good You Tube videos to get me started. I had the silly idea that I could make things while in hospital being induced – my body had other ideas!
Since Ro was born, I have made her crochet hats, headbands, booties and sandals. I didn’t expect to feel so proud of myself when they were finished and she was wearing them. J then asked me to make him something, I think he was feeling a bit left out, so I made him a pair of slippers which he got so excited about wearing his ‘ mummy slippers’. Luckily I got a dab hand crocheting while feeding Ro, now she’s bigger and nosey that has stopped!
I then moved to making the kids a toy each, and although I can see them full of errors, they love them.
Now I have so many projects I want to make, I’m going to get to using those clothes now, as I brought myself a new sewing machine! (so excited – sad I know) and J is now wanting to get into the sewing action.

I hope both my children, have the fond memories of me making them things, and can grow up being able to make, mend and re-purpose things if they want to.
I have definitely had to learn to become more crafty since becoming a mum and I’m really enjoying it. I may not be good but it’s a lovely activity to do together especially with this weather at the mo!
That is one bonus of the winter months, more craft time.
Oh I have read and commented on this one already! Just gonna add this then #RV&HT
It must be so lovely to be crafty with your children x #RV&HT
Ah I am so impressed I am not very crafty but I am trying my best. I am seriously impressed, especially the sowing! Brilliant idea. RV&HT xx
I feel exactly the same about creating memories for my children. As I am an older mum this has been increasingly important to me. I taught myself to crochet about 4 years ago to make my children and niece a Christmas stocking each. I have also made a number of knitted toys over the years. Last year I bought a sewing machine which I am yet to use but I will do so. It is all about creating those family “I remember” moments.
I love to make things, I’m so glad J wants to learn too, it’s so nice have things that were made for you and no one else has got!
Thanks for linking up! #RV&HT