BlogOnToys – A Perfect Recipe for Bloggers

BlogOnToys - FI

Since I attended my first BlogOn Conference in September last year, I have looked forward to the next one as soon as it ends. After this weekend I can’t wait until May.  I left Manchester last night feeling motivated, empowered and ready to write. The team at BlogOnUK have a fantastic way of getting the balance just right for everyone regardless of experience. The recipe is perfect.


BlogOnToys, a perfect recipe for bloggers.


The weekend started with an uneventful trip to Manchester, maybe down to me listening to google maps unlike in May. Followed by meeting up and having Dinner with Fran, Anna, Erica, Jenny, Nikki, James and Lisa before heading across to Hotel Football to the Party. 



Here is how I think  BlogOnToys is made into such a great weekend.

Step 1 – The Launch Party

Add a mixture of alcohol, fizzy drinks, chocolates and party games on the tables with a few photo props. 

BlogOnToys - Tables


Allow time for the alcohol to start to take effect and some banter and laughs to be had before adding the music.  Ensure to give sufficient time for first time attendees to mingle before adding the music.

BlogOnToys - Drinks
A good time being had.


At the precise moment everyone is looking relaxed, combine music to let the dancing commence.

For finishing touches, include some toys requiring balance and face painting.

BlogOnToys - Facepaint



Step 2 – The Conference

Note: Putting this together just right to make a perfect balance is pretty much impossible unless you’re Laura.

Start with some care packages to nurse the hangovers in the bathrooms  and a sprinkle of  cooked breakfast and coffee in the players lounge starting at 9am.

Then add some amazing goody bags being handed out with each persons name badge prior to the sessions starting. (Make sure it is known everyone needs a HUGE suitcase for the day.)

BlogOnToys - Goodybag

Note: Must have a Alice and Jenny as well as other brilliant people to make this run extremely well.


Add in over 250 toys entered in the toy awards for all participants to vote for, a tombola to take a chance and raffle tickets to buy.

BlogOnToys - Toys


Stir in a pre-prepared schedule of amazing sessions with an opening welcome talk to start the day.

Include a Brand Den with friendly Brands and PR representatives to showcase some awesome and affordable products.


Finally serve it all up with a great raffle where all proceeds go to a fantastic charity.


So with a boost of motivation, and hopefully my run of bad luck out of the way ( it comes in 3’s right?)  I am back to writing and also progressing with sharing my geeky views MeBeGeek

Roll on May to the next BlogOn.

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